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Personalized, Direct, Convenient




An initial conference to meet your therapist and discuss your questions, concerns, and needs to determine what services may be the best fit for your child.

Initial Consultations can last anywhere from 15-30 minutes depending on your needs. It takes place on the Zoom online platform just like your future sessions, which allows for the same convenience that you would experience moving forward, allows for a technology check to make sure that teletherapy would be a successful option for you, allows for a "face to face" conversation about your family and your needs. A parent or guardian is required for the call; kids may or may not participate depending on your preference.




Direct instruction provided by your therapist using evidence based strategies to encourage growth and progress towards achieving the goals you and your therapist have developed together.

Those who choose to pay for services on the same day that they are received or enroll in automatic payment will receive $10 off each session price ($50 per 30 minute session).

Please refer to our Help/FAQ page for information regarding scheduling, rescheduling, and our cancellation policy.




Direct instruction provided by your therapist using evidence based strategies to encourage growth and progress towards achieving the goals you and your therapist have developed together.

Those who choose to pay for services on the same day that they are received or enroll in automatic payment will receive $20 off each session price ($100 per 60 minute session).

Please refer to our Help/FAQ page for information regarding scheduling, rescheduling, and our cancellation policy.




Weekly sessions aren’t the right fit for every family. A guided, at-home program can be developed based on the goals that are discussed during your initial consultation or evaluation in order to encourage progress using the recommended strategies. A home programming session includes organized materials to complete at home for 1 month of practice.

Those who choose to pay for service on the same day it is received or enroll in automatic payment will receive a discount of $20 off ($80 for one 30 minute session and one month of practice material).




After an initial consultation, standardized and non standardized assessments will be recommended and administered to collect the information needed to determine areas of strength and need for your child. If recommended, therapy goals and instructional strategies will be provided, along with a full written report including assessment results. Evaluations that require more than 2 hours of direct session time will be subject to an additional fee at the rate of $100/hour, as necessary and agreed upon. 
Those that choose to pay for service on the same day it is received or enroll is automatic payment will receive a discounted of $25 off ($250 for full evaluation including 2 hours of direct session attendance and a full written report).




Support provided to parents and families that will allow you to feel more comfortable and better understand what should be or has been recommended for your child. This may include, but is not limited to IEP or PPT meeting attendance, special education file review, past services/evaluations review, team discussion, or organization of supporting resources, as requested.

Services: Services
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